Experts from AWS and other industry leaders discuss the latest Generative AI Innovations, plus Real-Life Use Cases and Deployment Recommendations, specifically for Healthcare and Life Sciences organizations, including Hospitals, Providers, Clinical and Medical Research Institutions, Device/Equipment Suppliers, Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical/Drug Manufacturers, Biotech, Payer/Insurers, EMR Solutions, etc.

Date/Time: October 23, 10 am ET

Scroll down to see the full and detailed agenda, plus expert speakers. Click on their name to view their Linkedin profile, and session title for additional information. There is time for live interaction/Q&A with the speakers so have your questions ready. CPE credit hours are provided.

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Speakers, Topics, Agenda

10:05 am ET Mamoon Chowdry, AI, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing Leader, AWS, plus DJ Kulkarni, Senior Engineering Manager, Data Platform Tooling, AWS

Generative AI and Purpose Built Services for Healthcare & Life Sciences (HCLS): Healthcare and life science organizations are reinventing how they collaborate, make data-driven clinical and operational decisions, enable precision medicine, and decrease the cost of care.

Multiple expert speakers from AWS will discuss and demonstrate purpose built HCLS services including:

  • HealthLake: HIPAA-eligible service offering healthcare companies a complete view of individual and patient population health data using FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperable Resources) API based transactions to securely store and transform their data into a queryable format at petabyte scale, and further analyze this data using machine learning (ML) models.

  • HealthScribe: HIPAA-eligible service empowering healthcare software vendors to build clinical applications that use speech recognition and generative AI to automatically generate preliminary clinical documentation.

  • HealthImaging: HealthImaging is designed for builders who develop cloud-native medical imaging applications. HealthImaging ingests data in the DICOM P10 format and provides APIs for low-latency retrieval and purpose-built storage.

  • HealthOmics: HealthOmics is a purpose-built service that helps healthcare and life science organizations and their software partners store, query, and analyze genomic, transcriptomic, and other omics data and then generate insights from that data to improve health. It supports large-scale analysis and collaborative research.

11:15 am ET Ward Cobleigh, Product Line Manager - Network Performance & Threat Solutions, Viavi Solutions

Network Performance and Cyber Security Monitoring for Network Health

Healthcare is a complex exchange between a variety of organizations and individuals from care providers to insurance payers, and insurance payers can be a combination of private insurance and public coverage. Networks must operate 24/7 to not only support the delivery of care but also support inter-provider and cross-organizational communication, inclusive of patients. In this highly regulated industry, patient privacy is paramount and security risks and impacts can be dramatic.

IT teams that work in this industry also have an added burden in that their roles to support, monitor and maintain networks actually do impact the health of patients, inclusive of the diagnostic as well as financial  information that supports the coordination and delivery of care.

Challenges and impacts of a global pandemic have added to a complicated system of healthcare delivery and the ripple effect across the entire system is changing some priorities, especially financial, in order to ensure efficiencies, continuity and positive outcomes.